Tuesday, October 26, 2010

John Haworth, 1947-2010

Much loved and greatly missed husband, dad, papa, brother

Proudly served in the U.S. Air Force

Taken way too soon by metastatic RCC

Judy Haworth, wife


Do not mourn 'cause I'm not there.
Don't fall into deep despair.
My precious Lord has come for me.
He led me home and set me free!

He freed me from the ills and pain
That I shall never feel again.
My body's whole - His gift to me.
Praise God, He came and set me free!

Someday soon we'll meet anew,
We'll be together, me and you.
I'll wait and worship at His knee
Until the day you, too, are free.

Do not mourn 'cause I'm not there.
Don't fall into deep despair.
My precious Lord has come for me.
He led me home and set me free!

©2009 Judy Haworth

Song Requested In John Haworth's Honor
"I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me
'Sung by his 15 y/o granddaughter the day of his funeral service.'